KING: What do you have to say about the rumors of you being New Orleans Saints’ Reggie Bush’s rebound, immediately after his split with Kim Kardashian?
Dollicia: I have met him once or twice, but we have never hooked up. Some people wanted to play the field but I don’t do that. I haven’t seen him in a very long time.
What about his teammate, Darren Sharper? Not only were you seen leaving a restaurant with him on TMZ, the blogosphere ran rampant that Sharper and Bush were literally fighting over you.
The Darren and Reggie thing was kind of crazy. That’s just a rumor. A friend of mine introduced us because they thought it would be a good match. When he came to L.A. it was actually one of our first dinners, unfortunately.
Dollicia goes on to say that it was unfortunate because the blogs compare her to Kim Kardashian “the Queen of media” as a “younger hotter version.”
SMH. Seriously?
Doll then explains Kim is considered the Queen of media because she doesn’t sing or act but “she’s always on the blogs”.
But that’s just where the darts start. Things get much dicier when she speaks directly to the comparison:
I can see the comparison; we have similar shaped bodies, very curvy. But we’re two different women. I’m a mother, so I can never be famous for leaking a sex tape.
Crazy right? She really took it there.
Dollicia then tried to clean up her comments by saying:
I’m not knocking what she did; she really took the negative and made it into a positive. I’m just saying there’s a huge difference between us. I’ll stay the Queen of talent and acting, but as far as being the Queen of who I’m dating and being in the media all the time; she can stay the Queen of that.

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