Kelly Rowland is in the upcoming issue of Complex magazine. According to Kelly, she used to have a problem allowing a man to treat her like a lady…
Destiny’s Child may have allowed Kelly the privilege to have the phrase “over 50 million albums sold” follow after her name but it surely didn’t tell her how to keep a man.Complex: Has being in Europe so much changed your taste in men?
Kelly Rowland: Oh no, honey. For me, it’s just about a very confident guy and someone who I can have fun with.
Complex: How confident? Does it matter who’s dominant in the relationship?
Kelly Rowland: No. As a matter of fact, because I am so dominant and I am a control freak, I would go out on dates, order, pull out my own chair, and I would never see that guy again. [Laughs.]
Complex: Damn, they were that intimidated?
Kelly Rowland: I don’t even think it’s intimidating. I had a problem with letting a guy be a man. I don’t have that problem anymore. I think it’s incredibly sexy when a man is just a man. From his walk to the way he talks and the way he carries himself. It’s not even swag—that word is so old—it’s just about having that…thang. It’s got to be so right. They are so cute when they have a smile and that makes it even sexier to me. A smile is everything.

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