Terri McMillan, author of the best-selling book “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” returned to Oprah today with her ex-husband Jonathan. For those unfamiliar with the story, Terry met Jonathan (who is 23 years younger) in 1995 while on vacation in Jamaica and moved him into her multi-million dollar home in Cali three months later. Three years later they married and after six years of marriage, Jonathan revealed to Terry that he was gay.
The couple then filed for divorce and Jonathan sued Terry for spousal support and attorney fees and ended up winning. Imagine that. Terry later slapped him with a $40 million lawsuit for emotional distress and ruining her reputation. She later withdrew the suit because she wanted to “let go”. On Today’s show she said of the suit, “After awhile, the anger..you own it and there is no room to let in beauty or love or any goodness. When I started realizing that had happen to me, I surrendered.”
It’s absolutely hard for me to believe that Terry McMillan never suspected that Jonathan was gay. I mean even Stevie Wonder could see that. According to Jonathan, he wasn’t completely honest about his sexuality because it wasn’t acceptable in his culture.
I came from a culture [where] you suppress your feelings and you’re not open to seeing different orientations, different sexualities,” he says. “Now I’m embracing my sexual honesty, my truth.
During the appearance on Today’s show, the two revealed that they are now “friends” again and Terry is releasing a new book titled “Getting To Happy”.
Sidebar: Here’s an interesting comment left on the Oprah website:
Oprah, please, please tell the other side to this story and other stories like it. I am also a man who got married and actually had children before I had the resources and courage to live my authentic self as a gay person. Yes, as a very young man Jonathan was swept away by the “ideal” of marriage and the religious argument against homosexuality (not to mention Terry’s wealth and influence), but can’t we please celebrate the fact that he had the courage and strength to break out of the double life and to truly be himself. I say hooray to Jonathan and many other men like he and myself.
Wait! Are we suppose to applaud these men for coming out after being deceptive and living double lives? I’m glad he finally came out but what about the women that are left to deal with these type of situations? I’m sure it’s devastating and embarrassing for all parties involved.
Click Here To See Terry McMillian and Jonathan’s 2005 Oprah Appearance
Just imagine, for awhile Terry had everyone thinking they could go to Jamaica to get their “groove back”. SMH..
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